A Beginner’s Guidebook to Personal Finance and Money Management teaches you to manage your money open bank accounts create a budget rent an apartment start investing and buy a car house and insurance. This guidebook is targeted at recent high school or college grads who have left the nest and seek to establish themselves successfully in the world without their parents’ control over their personal finances and money. In clear and concise language this guidebook follows the natural progression of financial transactions they will face starting with opening a checking account and ending with the purchase of a house.
This guidebook is also useful for anyone who is transitioning away from living paycheck-to-paycheck into a more stable financial situation in which they can invest buy a house plan for their retirement and protect themselves with insurance policies. This guidebook is easy to read and is not filled with complicated mathematics technical legal jargon or complex strategies. The focus is on increasing the reader’s financial literacy by discussing the day-to-day financial issues everyone faces and the simple steps the reader can take to handle such issues.
Explore the depth of Business & Money, Personal Finance Books with A Beginner’s Guidebook to Personal Finance and Money Management by Mark A. Thompson, a leading authority in the field. Published in 2021 by Independently published (April 21, 2021), this book, spanning 89 pages,, is an authoritative source on Money Management, Money Spend. With ASIN B0933KLQ95 and ISBN 9798742221562, it stands as a vital reference for researchers, educators, and enthusiasts alike.