Do you want to be smarter about your finances? Are you ready to make your money work harder for you? Manage Your Money Like The 1% is a step-by-step guide to managing your money the same way the people who are in the top 1% of net worth manage their finances. This book’s goal is to help you lay a strong foundation in your financial education. After reading this book you’ll not only be more confident about your financial situation but you’ll be able to apply its info to overcome everyday financial obstacles. This book is just one stepping stone along your journey towards building financial independence and generational wealth.
An informative and engaging read, Manage Your Money Like The 1%, authored by Black Wealth Renaissance and released in 2020 by Xscape Publishing (June 1, 2020), covers a wide range of themes under Financial Advice, Money, Money Management, Personal Finance. This work, falling into the genre of Business & Money, Personal Finance Books, extends over 98 pages, , making it a comprehensive guide. Its unique ISBNs 1734285672 and 9781734285673 make it easily identifiable for readers and scholars alike.