Discover how to handle your money today so you can put yourself on track to financial freedom.Are you having a hard time budgeting your money to the point where it gets you into debt?Do you think you’re spending money wisely but your savings are still not enough to build your wealth?Are you wondering what side hustles you can do and how you can create different streams of passive income to reach financial freedom?If you relate to any of these then your decision to look for a solution shows that you’re already wise enough to begin your journey to financial success.
Whether you are still a student or a young professional just starting out understanding personal finance is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make.The way you handle your money today will determine your financial status in the future. Remember your future depends on what you do today.But if you’re like most young adults you probably haven’t gotten very far in improving your finances.As Vince Shorb CEO of the National Financial Educators Council once said “College graduates spent 16 years gaining skills that will help them command a higher salary; yet little or no time is spent helping them save invest and grow their money.”Do you still have no idea what a credit score is? Are you confused about interest rates and how to maximize the use of your credit card? Are you only relying on your current job to earn money?It’s not your fault if you’re not well-informed about making and managing money but it will be if you choose to stay ignorant.You need to equip yourself with the information practices and strategies that will help you manage and multiply what you currently have so you can build a future free of money worries.That’s how you can benefit from this book. Inside you will discover:● The first step you need to take to achieve financial freedom● Why lottery winners go broke (pay attention to this or you’ll always be poor)● How to leverage your credit card to your advantage● How to create various sources of passive income so you can build your wealth with little to no effort● Why living below your means is a smart habit — and how you can do it properly● 5 reasons why you need to understand personal finance at a young age● How you can benefit from having a good credit score — and what you should do to increase it● 10 common financial mistakes and how you can avoid them● How insurance works — and why buying insurance is not an expense but an investment● Different ways to build multiple streams of income so you can achieve your financial goals faster● 7 types of personal budgets — know which one is right for you● How to spend your money wisely by learning to become a smart shopperAnd much more.You don’t need any financial background to understand what’s inside this guide. With tips and tricks included at the end of each chapter you can immediately apply the lessons you’ve learned to grow your money.The best time to prepare for your future is now… your future self will be thankful for what you’ve done today to attain financial freedom.If you want to secure your future and start building your wealth by getting your finances in order then scroll up and click the “Add to Cart” button right now.
Personal Finance Made Easy for Young Adults by Dakota A. McQueen, published in 2022 by Independently published (September 24, 2022), is a critical exploration of Credit Score, Debt, Financial Advice, Financial Success, Money Management, Personal Finance, fitting into the broader realm of Business & Money, Economics Books. With 174 pages, of detailed analysis and commentary, it’s a significant contribution to the field. The book’s ASIN B0BGFL9HBP and ISBN 9798354011155 make it easily accessible for scholars and critics.