Get answers the most common questions people have about finances”Do I really need a budget? How can I get out of debt? Should I give my kids an allowance? Should Christians lend money and charge interest?” These questions and many others were often asked of respected Christian financial counselor Larry Burkett. To answer them in a direct and brief way and help you discover the way to financial wisdom Larry wrote Personal Finances. To build a sturdy house a builder needs a blueprint. To find his way a traveler needs a map. And to manage your finances correctly you need a budget.
Without a plan the house will collapse the traveler will get lost and your finances will eventually fail. Get on board with the basics of wise financial planning. From the youngest member of your family to the oldest budgeting should accompany income. Learn how to create a budget and what it takes to stick with it in Personal Finances.
Personal Finances (Burkett Financial Booklets) is a remarkable contribution by Larry Burkett, in the field of Christian Books & Bibles, Christian Living Books. Published in by Moody Publishers, this book spans through pages, each filled with insightful details on Money Management. The ISBNs 0802437389 and 9780802437389 codes serve as a hallmark of authenticity and uniqueness. A must-read for anyone interested in Money Management, it’s a book that both informs and inspires.