Are you experiencing significant problems with managing the hard-earned money that you make?Are you having trouble making ends meet month after month?Are you in financial distress and don’t see a way out?If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions then you need to read The Book on Money Management now!!!Early in my career I was not prepared to manage my money. I was making a very good income yet I was spending more than I was making and my debt was growing year by year. I had part-time jobs to make ends meet. The more money I made the more I spent.
After 10 years of financial hardship I decided that there has to be a better way. I decided that my family and I deserved better. I spent the next 25 years developing and using this system to manage my money. I wrote The Book on Money Management to:- Reveal the 3 Secrets of Money Management- Teach you how to get out of consumer debt and stay out- Show you how to build a foundation for wealth.
Explore the depth of Business & Money, Personal Finance Books with The Book on Money Management by Curtis Banks, a leading authority in the field. Published in 2017 by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 30, 2017), this book, spanning 128 pages,, is an authoritative source on Money Management, Money Spend. With ISBNs 1975804449 and 9781975804442, it stands as a vital reference for researchers, educators, and enthusiasts alike.